The Shaman, The Hunter, and The Tundra

Join scientist, author, adventurer Jon Turk in a joyful affirmation of the spiritual consciousness of The Shaman, The Hunter, and The Tundra. It is the world as our ancestors saw it, embracing vulnerability, sustainable, and full of magic and wonder. Let us listen to voices beyond technological marvels and imagined responsibility, and journey towards a glorious and sustainable lifestyle that is based – not on consumerism and consumption — but on Deep Wild as a place of solace, sanity, and hope in this oil-soaked, internet-crazed, rapidly-warming modern world.

In a lively, storytelling presentation, Turk introduces the voices of a Siberian shaman, a wolf that lingers, a Chinese bicycle nomad, a lonely Tlingit warrior laying down to die in a storm, and the landscapes themselves, to explore a lifelong passage toward a personal, spiritual, and reciprocal relationship with the planet – a relationship that many people are seeking, as our society rushes rapidly and recklessly into massive and catastrophic climate change.